Monday, March 01, 2010

Again...more than you probably ever wanted to know...

I'm trying to figure out what has happened to my usually-stable and reliable health.  Admittedly, I've always been a relatively sickly person...growing up I constantly had colds, the flu, ear infections, sinus infections, bronchitis, struggles with asthma and a persistently bad cough.  Since becoming an adult, I still get hit with sickness harder than most, but I've been much more healthy and able to rebound more quickly.  I had a difficult time about 4 years ago when I got chronic bronchitis for one summer, but other than that I've been doing pretty well until lately.  As you know from my last post, I struggled with a very bad case of GI troubles the weekend of Feb 20, complete with a visit to the ED.  Well, this past Saturday, although it didn't last 24 hours, I had 12 more hours of diarrhea.  I was so exhausted Sunday that I spent most of the day in bed, drinking water and eating bananas, toast and yogurt.  I thought it had gone away, but then early this morning I was awakened with it again and am going on several more hours of continued sickness.  Also, yesterday I struggled with blurred vision in my left eye and also vertigo.  Needless to say, this morning I'm working on picking out a primary care doctor to go visit.

Probably about the only positive to all this is how it's helped me get back on track with my weight loss.  When I weighed Friday for my weekly weigh-in, I was 176.6 pounds.  By Sunday morning, for my end of the month weigh-in for February, I was down to 173 pounds.  I'm sure much of that was water-loss from getting dehydrated, but I'm still hopeful to keep it from going up too much once I get myself better.

Any extra prayers would be helpful, and if you have called me lately and I haven't returned your call, please know that I would love to talk to you, but I haven't had the energy to do much other than taking care of the boys and trying to get myself well again.  I'm really starting to get frustrated because I want to figure out what is going on!

1 comment:

  1. I’ve tried all sorts of coughing syrups, believe me, but none of them helps. Even though Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa does not eliminates the cough I like to stick to this chinese syrup I’ve been taking since I was a kid: Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa. My grandfather is chinese, so I guess my mom got the advice from him. I was really surprised when I found that chinese market selling it here in Belgium. It does have a refreshing, soothing, sweetening effect…as long as it lasts…then back to coughing mode.
