Saturday, September 25, 2010


For those of you who don't know, I have an incredible sister-in-law, Stephanie, who is probably the coolest crafter I've ever met in my whole life!  Just when I think she's made it to the epitome of craftiness, she goes and makes something else even more incredible!  If you haven't read her blog:, then you need to.  She shares pictures of some of the things she's made including wallets, baby head bands, baby quilts, customized onesies and now she's even making earrings.  She sews, crochet's, makes greeting cards, refinishes furniture and more!  To top that off, she made the cutest hat for Max and gave it to him today.  I need to get a picture of him in it and post it.  It's absolutely adorable.

She has been a huge inspiration to me.  I used to crochet years ago, maybe when I was around 12 years old, or so, but I later gave it up.  Then I tried sewing, but that too included projects that took so long that I ran out of motivation to see them through.  I've always loved paper and beads, not necessarily together, but I could never figure out what to do with them.  Finally, now that I'm older (maybe turning 30 shocked my psyche), and due mostly to Stephanie's influence, I have tried doing a few of the "crafty" things I used to do.  I picked up crocheting again, she's shown me how to make some great shirt embellishments, and she has helped me realize that instead of being afraid to try something, I should just go for it.

Thank you, Stephanie, for your unknowing encouragement to my creative side!

This week wasn't as successful as I'd hoped with my resolution.  I am going another week with no desserts/extra sugar, and although it didn't create an astonishing weight loss over one week's time (or any for that matter, ha ha), I have no doubt it will help me in the long run, and also keep sickness at bay.  Several nights this week I felt like my sinuses were going to break in to a bad cold by morning, but it didn't happen!  I know sugar is bad for the immune system, so I might have my new "sugar rule" to thank for staying well.  Even that seems worth giving up sugar.  I weighed in at 166.2 pounds on Friday.

Here we go.  Call me crazy, but I'm going to shoot for 165.0 pounds by next week!  Let's see if I can get back on the "losing" wagon and do this!

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