Friday, October 01, 2010

The good, the bad, and the shocking

This week I feel like there is both good and bad to report when it comes to my weight-loss resolution.

First, the good: I weighed in at 165.6 this morning!  Yay.

But then there's the bad: I've continued to stay off of sugar, but I totally cheated this week.  I had a rice-crispy treat last weekend (okay...full admission: I had more than one), a chocolate frosty from Wendy's on Wednesday (but at least it was a small), and a piece of chocolate cake at Jen's baby shower last night.  Whew!  Now that the burden of stolen sugar is off my shoulders, I feel even lighter.  Pun kind of intended.  Let's see if I can try this again for the week and actually not eat any sugar going forward!

The big news is that I'm going back to work.  Don't be too shocked, I'm still in love with being at home full-time with Mason and Max, but my fellow-recruiter at the hospital is re-locating out of state so I've agreed to help temporarily while they work to fill the position.  It's going to be interesting - an adjustment for me as I'll be working twice as much per week as when I resigned.  I'll be working 4 days a week, Monday through Thursday and this will go until sometime at the end of November or into December a bit.  Living on one income has necessitated some lifestyle changes for us and things are definitely tighter financially (anyone want to buy a 2005 Pathfinder?).  I'm grateful for the option I have to make some extra money for us right now.

Here's where I need you:  What is a suggestion or encouragement that you wouldn't mind sharing, that has helped you with a goal (weight-loss or other) in the past?  Leave a comment to share with me and my 2 readers (ha ha).


  1. Reader # 1 says: Any goal is better with a bribe. Always reward yourself. It's nonsense that the accomplishment by itself is worth the struggle. Make it good! :o)

  2. reader #2 says: i love LISTS! whatever goal i set, i break it down into manageable (controllable) things to do and then i cross them off one by one. sometimes for marathons, i put my training schedule on the fridge and then put stars (sparkly of course) on the finished workouts. its way fun for me :)
