Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's sure been a while since I gave an update on either my weight loss goals or my summer happenings!

It's been a very busy summer.  We've had wonderful times with my mom, my sisters family, Mom and Dad Murrill, and of course Mark, Steph and RoRo.  The boys are doing wonderfully and doing new things everyday.

This weekend Mike is on a motorcycle trip around Michigan's upper peninsula.  He was gone last weekend too, so the boys and I are especially excited to have Mom Murrill here to help us stay sane this weekend!

Friday I weighed in at 167.4 pounds.  Not much progress in quite a while with my weight loss goal, but I've thoroughly enjoyed my summer vacation and all the delicious foods that went along with it. I'm still excited to keep at it and hopefully continue my process and reach my goal by December 31.  If I can lose about 8 more pounds I'll be pretty much where I was when I got pregnant with Max.  Although I think I'm at a plateau point, I need to keep at it.

I CAN DO THIS!!!  ....Right?


  1. You can do it!! Have you looked at Lance Armstrong's ''? It has something called My Plate that helps you reach your goals. It's kind of fun! I love you, my beauty! Have a great day.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TIMI! Hope you had a great day! ...And thanks for the ideas. I'll check it out!
