Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Help! Need Encouragement!

Last night was another in a row of about five of Max getting up every 3 (and often 2) hours.  Today it caught up with me in a big way as I've had a migraine all day and had to get up and get the boys to daycare and go to work.  I made it through the workday, picked the boys up at about 6 and finally have dinner ready and we're going to just relax and watch a little TV.  I'm really struggling with such a lack of sleep.  The last thing on my mind is watching what I eat or exercising.
Why is this so hard????!!!  Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!


  1. It's so extra tiring when the boys are cranky or the littlest won't sleep. (Micah's been keen on my company 2-4 times per night as well. And at over 18 pounds, it's not 'cause he's not thriving!) Keep in mind, my sweet, that this isn't a sprint. It's okay if you have a rough day or even week. This is a marathon and you are doing fine. Consider it pacing yourself. Enlist a friend (or sister-in-law?) to go walking with you or to the gym so that it's more fun. You are doing great and are, as always, beautiful. Keep up your courage and try to fit in a nap. Love you ~ t

  2. Ditto to the previous comment. There are going to be those rough days sometimes even a week or more when you are exhausted. I know it's hard but try not to stress out about fitting in a workout. Give yourself permission to let it go when you're so tired. You're body needs rest more than the stress of making it work harder. The main thing that will make a difference in weight loss anyway is watching your portion sizes. So when you're not working out as much just focus on that. And of course drink lots of water too...that will help with energy levels :)
