Sunday, January 31, 2010

One down, Eleven to go!

I've made it 1/12 of the way through my resolution!  January is over and I've made it to my first goal of reaching 177.5 lbs.  This morning I weighed in at 176.6 lbs.  Here's what the numbers are so far: (and yes, I'm using Friday's weigh-in)

Starting Weight: 182.4
January Goal: 177.5
January Actual: 176.4
Lost this month: 6 pounds
February Goal: 175
First Qtr goal: 172.5 by March 31
Final Goal: 150 by December 31
Total to lose this year: 32.4
Currently left to lose: 26.4


  1. You are doing great! I'm proud of you! Love you, too.

  2. Great job!!! Losing 6 lbs with an infant and toddler is not an easy feat. Way to go!!!!
